روان شناسی و مشاوره::
مطالعه مقطعی
Table 4.7 Dimensions of Gerotranscendence in the Swedish 1995 Cross-Sectional Study and the 2001 Study (65+)1
1The Swedish 1995 cross-sectional study includes respondents age 20-85; the 2001 study (65+) includes respondents age 65-104.
The Swedish 1995 Cross-Sectional Study supplements the above study by including younger respondents (age 20-85) in an effort to de- scribe the level of gerotranscendence in individuals of different ages.
Measures in the Swedish 1995 Cross-Sectional Study
The research questions for the cross-sectional study focus on how gero- transcendence might be related to age, gender, life circumstances, and life crises.
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